Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ah, so it is that time of year again.  Back to school.  New beginnings, and for me, the start of my internship.  It has been quite a while since I worked a 40 hour work week! So ready or not, here I go.  I cannot believe how the summer flew by!  So,  have counted them down I have 14 weeks until 40.  Making significant changes in your life is so much harder to put into action than to write about.  I am in the final hour.  It is time to sprint.  The summer has been great and I have been blessed  to pack so much in! So we will see what I am made of.  So far, this I have learned, making improvements in diet and exercise as well as striving for fabulous in all ways is an ongoing process.  It would be great if it just clicked, and it all happened at once, but it doesn't work like that.  You get back what you put in, and it is alot like spirituality.  You go through seasons.  Ups.  Downs.  Busy times with family.  I am learning that there is so much nobleness in climbing back on the horse after a season of reprieve.   It is in that climbing back on the horse and recommitting the energy you have left back to your goals that counts most.  This is what gives you a better feeling of self acceptance.   I have lunged, squatted, rode like I stole it, ran, benched, pushed up, dipped,  and lunged and squatted again.   Whether or not my body has changed remains to be seen, but i know for sure my self confidence and acceptance definitely has.  Bugs bunny said it best when he said, I am what I am!  
     I had a great summer, and I hope that you did too.   With that said, it is time to kick it in to high gear.   I am inviting you to come with me.   Write down a new, revised action plan.  I have done so.  Taylor yours to what works for you.   Start with your cardio, kick it up a gear.  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.

A little something extra...

I wrote this and posted this to Facebook because I have alot of my daughter's friends on there....I feel that every life story is worth learning from so by all means if there is a teenager in your life share my story with them.  It may cause them to think and  may save their life.
To the class of 2012

Read my story….keep it with you.  First, I can’t believe you guys are seniors….every parent that reads this can recall 12 years ago when we were putting you in kindergarten.  To us, it feels like yesterday.  As you enter your SENIOR year, (hellyea) I want you to think about something……. your safety.  I thought that maybe my story would help you.  When I was 19 years old, my brother was killed in a car accident…..drinking and driving….Let it be said that my brother was the coolest guy, he was a friend to everyone. I have trusted my life in his hands many times.   But one night, he made one bad call and it cost him his life.  Now you are thinking-oh that’s awful, sad.  But I want to tell you the side of the story that no one ever gets to hear.  At 1 a.m. the phone rang, it was my bro’s best friend.  He had a sick voice, but I was 19 and half asleep so I thought nothing of it.  He asked me to get up and go to my brother’s room to see if he was in bed.  I did, NOPE, his bed was still made.   I can still hear his sad voice saying…ok…Lori…thanks….(he had already heard about the accident and hoped it wasn’t true).  I went back to bed.   At 5 a.m. I heard the loud thumps on the back door.   To this day I fight hearing them at night when it is quiet.  At times I feel them as if someone is thumping on my chest.   It was the coroner and 2 police officers.   I met my mom at the door.  Pulled back the curtain, and there I felt it for the first time, the sick gut of tragedy.  I backed away bc my gut told me what was happening.  YOUR GUT NEVER LIES.  My mom, confused, said, LORI answer the door.  I did.  They handed me a clear plastic bag with all my brother’s belongings in it.  They said to my mom, “Maam there has been an accident.”  My mom instinctively said, “Is Jeff ok?”, and the man said, “I am sorry maam, it was a fatal accident.”  I can still here my mom’s scream, and my heart races as I even type this story.  My Dad came out and said, “What do we do?” and the man said call your funeral director, I remember my dad saying, “We don’t have a funeral director.”  There it happened, our family’s life changed forever.  You cannot even begin to imagine the sobs of my parents.  Try to picture your parents.  It does something to you to see your parents like that.  My brother would have never wanted to hurt them like that.  Hours later, I went into his bedroom.  The wet towel lay in his floor from his last shower.  But he was gone.  He had already slipped into eternity.  His dirty clothes were still in the hamper.  But he would never wear them again.  GONE.  All because of one choice.  Did you know that someone has to pick out your casket, and the clothes for you to wear in it?  It was HELL delivering his outfit and doing all the business that has to be done to finish a life that ended too soon.
   So I am asking you to think.  I am asking you not to drink and drive.  I am asking you not to get in the car with anyone that has had anything to drink (or anything else).  I would love to believe that you are all angels and do no wrong.  But I am not nearly that naïve, and it wouldn’t be smart to be.  Every time you go partying, think of my story. Call someone to pick you up, or STAY WHERE YOU ARE.  It would be better to piss your parents off, than to put them through what mine went through.   Don’t get me wrong, this is not an endorsement for partying.  It is simply me saying in my best Red Foreman voice, that if you are gonna party, get your head out of your asses and have a plan in place.
     And remember, you guys can’t get by with crap from the law nowadays. You can ruin your future and not to mention your money making potential with a felony.  My generation rode four wheelers, (ok-3wheelers too) on the streets…We outran cops, we fought, we vandalized, we broke curfew and we got by with it.  You guys aren’t nearly as lucky. You will end up in juvy or jail or both and with a criminal record.  If you so much as moon someone, you will be a registered sex offender and no one will hire you.  I am so sorry that lines have gotten this skewed, but they have. REMEMBER IT. It sucks, but it is forreal. Don’t be thinking we had it TOO great, you guys have cell phones, texting and internet-we didn’t.   DON’T RUIN YOUR FUTURE.   AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE MAKING SAFE DECISIONS SO THAT YOU HAVE ONE.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Looks like I made it!

   So, I am well out of the semester and into the summer.  It has been several weeks (months) since I last blogged, but in all honesty, after the wrap up of my last semester in college I have not had the faintest desire to open book or computer......ah.....it has been GREAT!
  Reminiscing back, what a ride it has been!  In the previous few semester's I have been required to  wear my bathing suit to class to be weighed underwater...WITH and in front of 18-24 yrs olds (girls and guys), to "be prepared to take your shirts off in class to use the bodyfat callipers on one another, so wear a good sports bra", WITH and in front of 18-24 yr olds (guys and girls).... to take exercise tests WITH and in front of 18-24 yr olds (guys and girls), and as if all this wonderful information obtained by the tests isn't enough...let's just go ahead and put these figures on a scale and compare them to norms and see how you rank compared to the rest of the world, you 39 yr old college Mom!!!!  HUMILITY, HUMBLENESS....I have bathed in you during my college career.   My professor couldn't possibly understand why anyone would not want to participate in any of these activites.  (I wanted to say, why don't you show up in a SPEEDO and WE will take some measurements, but wait...that's not enough.....next let's put those measurements on a scale and see where you rank compared to the rest of the world).  Seriously, who else has had 2 kids and nursed babies in here.......anyway...you get the picture.. Gone are those days Hallelujah!
     Now, I enter a new chapter in my life.....my oldest started her first job today (other than babysitting) and will soon begin her last year of high school.  My youngest will begin her first year of high school.  We are planning college visits, taking ACTs, and senior pictures....I see the writing on the wall.....My nest.....is getting less full as each hour passes.   So who am I , if not a Mom of school age children?....A new chapter begins.....I just don't know if I am brave enough to face it yet. 
     I remember when Megan started kindergarten, they had a scavenger hunt on orientation night, and on the list were things like, go find your name over the coat rack, that is where you will hang your book bag every day, find the cubby with your name on it, and go the the entrance of the building and find your way to your classroom and seat 5 times. When the first day came, I pulled into the lot and started to park my car to get out and walk her in, and she looked at me with eyes of confidence and determination and said, "I can go in by myself"....Billy grabbed my arm before I could respond and said,  "Let her...."  Lesson number one in letting go....  After all, our children are really not ours, but His, easy to say, hard to grasp.  I still see that same look in her eyes as she looks for schools and opens bank accounts and on and on....This will be interesting...it is one of the roads I will walk on while on the journey  to 40 and Fabulous.  I plan to learn to enjoy every minute.  Tough or not, I can't retreat into a cave, I will face it.  Bring it on.  
    On the bright side, I actually have time for me, since I am done with college classes.  I have kicked the "working" part of getting (and more importantly feeling) fabulous into high gear.  The workouts have been great.  I am trying new things and actually getting to DO the workouts I write....CRAZY! It feels so great!!  After the first few weeks of initial soreness and fatigue, I am starting to feel ENERGIZED. I have my family on board.  I am kicking their butts. :-) We will be a fit family in 2011.   Amazing the differece good exercise makes.   You get back what you give in exercise.  It is a lot like spirituality.  Exercise makes everything clearer for me.   It has carried me through stressful semesters.  It has been a friend when it seemed eveyone else walked out on me.  After a hard workout, everything seems "doable" and you have a little more perspective.   It shrinks the things we make huge in our minds.  AH, edorphins...Thank God for them.  Try it, today, ride the endorphin wave.  Take off out of your driveway and run like a child to the next landmark, and then everyday go a little further.  It is freeing.   

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby your a Firework!

I am beginning to see a faint light at the end of the tunnel.  I am so excited about it!  I bet when I finally get free time, I will feel guilty or bored or something.  4 weeks, then finals! I will be a 12 week internship away from my degree (angels singing) !  I still think of Vanda everyday.  I pray for her 16 year old daughter with a mother's heart.  Having teenage daughters myself, I cannot even imagine how she feels.  I want to be a part of her life and pray the doors will open.  I think alot about the things we fill our lives with.  I think about how if Vanda knew when my brother died that she only had 20 years, what would she have filled her life with and what would she have left out.....if we all knew, and we all do know that we won't live forever so why do we allow nonsense in our lives.  Nonsense is a waste of precious time.  This is a reminder to live your life on purpose.  If you do, you will navigate around the nonsense.  (As I say this, I am saying it to myself as well)  What if we all wrote out our own top 10 list?  The top 10 most important things in our life.   Not just what we want to accomplish but just what and who is important to us.  How many times have you dropped what or who was important to you for nonsense.  I am reminding us all not to do this anymore and don't feel guilty for it either.  We all get pulled in a million directions.  Chart your course wisely, with purpose. 
    In the past few months I have learned so many valuable life lessons.  Thinking back, my entire adult life has been one huge life lesson.  If I can help just one person, by exposing the cards that life has dealt me, then it is worth it.  Like my favorite quote....One...one....one...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nothing worth having ever comes easy!

...And what a crazy couple months it has been! I know the Bible says somewhere not to boast about tomorrow, because you never know what a day will bring forth.   TRUE! It has been a roller coaster.  Life can be a huge mystery.  On March 1st, I said good-bye to a dear friend.  She was instrumental in my childhood and brought so much joy to it.  She loved with arms wide open.  She laughed alot.  I dedicate this blog post to her.  Vanda Renee' Mandrell Ice.  She was a constant in my life from age 6 to age 19. When I was a little girl (maybe 2nd grade) I would say her name over and over. "Vanda Renee" Mandrell, Vanda Renee' Mandrell" I thought it was the prettiest name I had ever heard.  She took me to the beach (every day off she had one summer) she cut and permed my hair and let me tan for free at the beauty shop she worked at.  She probably paid for all of it.  She made me countless birthday cakes and dinners.  She bought me sweaters.  She cleaned the first apartment I ever lived in for me.  She was my sister-in-law, but more like a sister.  She gave of herself to people.  She was the first voice I heard, when I called to say my brother had been killed.  Ironically, 20 yrs to the date after that call, she would go to heaven too.  I am a better person because of her. 
     This semester, I am taking 16 credit hours-a lofty goal.  For one class, I have to personal train a client 3 times per week for a grade.  Another class, I have to volunteer for 30 hours and write a Integrative paper about it as well as present this information.  To put it mild, every day is a circus.  Work is busy, kids are busy, but I have a gatekeeper to my schedule.  If you know me well, you know I am a spiritual person.  I continually ask for help!  When I finally give in and say, I am not going to worry or try to figure it out-it will work out.   Then WHAM, at the last second, things will get cancelled, or rescheduled and I will have some reprieve in a busy day or be able to attend something that I thought I couldn't.  When I refuse to fret or complain, it all works out.  Because really, complaining is just a trap.  It's a huge hole we can let ourselves fall in.  Complaining just magnifies a problem or situation and make it huge and less bearable.  Refuse to give in and go here.  Protect yourself!
     On this journey to Forty and Fabulous (F&F) I have set another aim.  I want to act on my inspirations, in the big and the small things.  Answer this, how often do you have the thought to say something nice, send a thank you card or a gift for no specific reason or maybe because you saw a need? Then ask, how often do I actually do this? If you are like me, not nearly often enough.  So this year I have began the habit of acting on these inspirations.  I am sure there is more to be gained than given, as well as lots of life lessons to learn in doing this. 
     Okay, so if I am going to blog honestly, I have to admit that I have been struggling with fabulous.  Most days I admittedly feel less than fabulous.  Most of my life, I have judged myself harshly.  I have not given myself any mercy.  I am not my own best friend. It's a habit. A bad one.  In a world that obsesses over great looks and the perfect body, I have magnified all my flaws and obsessed on them.  I am hoping in my journey that I will break this bad habit.  I want to be fit and fabulous yes, but I want to finally have some self acceptance.  I am going to fix the things I can and accept the things I cannot.  (you can't make 40 year old skin look 25, at least not yet) I am learning to love myself.  Recently, on one of my "hatin on me" days, I got the best compliment.  Feeling haggard and less than fabulous one Monday morning, I ran in the gym (in a flurry with arms full, like I always do) to teach my Bodypump class.  Afterward, one of the front desk girls  I work with said this to me.  "Lori, You are a cute Mom, and I think you have a cute shape."  Every fear I had was dissipated by a nice compliment from a co-worker.  (The gatekeeper takes care of all our needs if we ask) I needed to hear that.  I am gonna let it stick with me.  I am going to remind myself of the way other people see me.  (They don't see me as the lies that invade my brain tell me they do! ) I have also learned this, if you think a compliment in your head about someone, tell them! They may need to hear it just as bad as I did that day!
  I am eating leaner and running and lifting more.  I am taking baby steps to get to my goals.  The weather is getting nice and I can't wait to get my new bike! I just have 7 weeks and then Finals until the finish line!   I CAN'T WAIT!!
That is when I will kick my goals into high gear!
     I want to end on 2 notes.  #1. Re-read how I described Vanda.  I challenge you to live your life with a great big Vanda sized heart! Make your list today, and take baby steps to get there.  #2. Below is one of my favorite quotes.  In the business of life and your days on this earth, remember this...
I never look at the masses as my responsibility.
I look at the individual.
I can only love one person at a time.
I can only feed one person at a time.
Just one, one, one….
So you begin …. I begin.
I picked up one person –
Maybe if I didn’t pick up that one person,
I wouldn’t have picked up 42,000.
The whole work is only a drop in the ocean.
But if I didn’t put the drop in,
The ocean would be one drop less.
Same thing for you,
Same thing for your family,
Same thing in your business.
Wherever you go
Just begin …. One, one, one.

Mother Teresa
Words to Love By

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Defining Fabulous!

Okay, so at this stage of life I wont be finding myself posting daily.  Weekly is a smarter goal.  I don't know if you know this about me, but I am a full time college student.  This is my last semester of classes.  I will graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Helath Management-Exercise Science.  Yes, at age 36 I decided to pursue a science degree.  It is not for the timid or faint of heart, let me tell you.  I also work part time at the best place in the world.  I get to train people and teach group exercise! (I get paid to work out-top that) : )
I manage about 8-10 personal training clients (i love em all) and teach 3 choreographed exercise classes 4-5 times per week.  I always have choreography to review and/or memorize! (I must be Crazy) I am blessed to raise a couple teenagers!  Life is full and who could ask for more.  So, I have been asking myself for a good month, "How do I define 40 and fabulous?' 
     Well, when I walk in to classes and see my oldest daughters friends, I definitely don't feel fabulous.  If you are young and reading this, get a degree NOW when you are supposed to-trust me on this one, you have more energy.  When I see them wearing SENIORS 2010 shirts, I laugh out loud.  Can you  imagine if I walked in with my SENIORS 89 Tshirt.   Ha! So now I want you to close your eyes (figuratively) and picture this:  a tired, up late studying, just taught 2 group fitness classes, 30 something year old wife and mother of two loaded down with keys and cell phone in hand.  Backpack on my back, gym bag on my shoulder, shoe bag on my shoulder, sweaty laundry bag on my shoulder, tired, sweaty, hurrying from work to college, back to work , back to college, distracted about balancing the checkbook and what I will make for supper and laundry and on and on.  It doesnt feel pretty.  I realized sometime last year too, that I hadn't been looking very pretty either.   I realized this by accidentally looking in mirrors as I walked by struggling with my "stuff" I carry everyday.  (when I leave in the morning sometimes I feel like I am packing for a week) but I also realized this when I had to "intern" some hours for a class in my major at the gym I work at. I had a collegue rate me at the end of the semester.  I scored great in all areas.....but there was one category...appearance....I scored mid range in that one! hahaha, I laughed...I walk around in sweat clothes, sweaty and tired.  No wonder.  When you teach and train someitimes you don't have time for primping.  Some days you blow dry the sweat, put dry clothes on and GO!   This is my life, I chose it all!
   As I approach the big 40, I realize life is so much more than just how we "feel".  Don't let a little sweat and a lack of make-up stop your from feeling like the beautiful person that you are! As I define "40 and fabulous" self acceptance is a definite.  I am what I am. I can only "fix" so many things about myself.  I have to just accept some things and feel smoking hot anyway.  I think this is a realistic goal! Other definitions of F&F (40 & Fabulous) include deeper relationships with family and friends.  Relationships that include no red tape.  F&F= holding that college degree in my hand, living with arms wide open, dancing more, singing more, and having fun.  Why is it when we get 30 something we neglect to have as much fun.  We get lost in our lives and the fun goes.  F&F has to = more fun for me.  Finally, F&F=fit.  I strive to be fitter than ever in my 40's!  I am on my way!
   This week, I want you to practice 2 things:  self-acceptance and fun.  Change what you can, make better choices, improve what needs improving and honestly, accept some things.  Promise not to beat yourself up. NO NEGATIVE SELF TALK this week and hopefully that will blossom into a life long habit.  Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, but not too short to sweat! So go do that! Exercise and SWEAT like you never have, but also plan some fun.  I want you to laugh your head off and enjoy it.  Smile everyday, no matter what  Do it for me!
   I have 2 more stories to tell you.  One about the meniscus.  The other about all the time I spend in my car.  You will laugh, but I am saving them!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1!

     Okay- I confess! I am definitely one of those poeple who operate better by dipping my toe in the water before I cannonball, especially when it comes to making life changes that stick.  So this week I have began to stick my toe in the water.  In fact, I am about knee deep and ready to press further.  It is a great time of year for a personal trainer.  The gym is full of people. They are all so excited about new goals.  Every cardio machine is full, classes are full, a "rush" is in the air.  This is how we trainers and group ex junkies feel year round.  We are this excited about fitness goals year round. Aside from the looking for a parking spot, we wish it were this way year round.
     This week, I cleaned house! I got rid of all the leftover holiday caloric "extras"! To the trash can with all of you.  WOOHOOO! It was liberating.  To my regular daily exercise routine, I added more lifting and running! I am so sore, I have been on ibuprofen most of the week.  I let Billy and Megan experience my wrath! They were sore too.  I want this "deepening" of my fitness faith to be for the whole family! I don't believe in cooking separate meals.  It's definitely tough love but I feel that evey member of the family should eat healthy and exercise.  Trust me, you will not find any more picky eaters than the other 3 members of my family.  One is a self proclaimed semi-vegetarian, and 2 are extreme carnivores. I have learned to say tough! Food isn't always about pleasure and preference, it is medicine for your body.  You are what you eat.  Choose wisely.  If it didnt have a mama and it didn't come from the earth skip it! I made a trip to my fave place to grocery shop,  Trader Joes.  I do as much organic as the budget will allow, you can go crazy if your are not careful. I try to do all dairy, meat and thin skinned fruits and vegetables organically.  I am nutritionally armed for 40 and fabulous.  It's on!
     This week, I plan to blog daily about my extra exercise.  I am gonna try my technology challenged hat at linking pics and a video here.  I want to show you some things you can do also.  It is my last week to get organized and ready before the semester starts. (things will get hilarious then) I need to share my meniscus story. That will be a good one I will save for next week.  I am still contemplating exact goals, both long and short term.  Stay tuned! Tomorrow- Cardio and Bodypump in the a.m.!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


What a blessed holiday season!
I finished my finals, got through Chemistry and Exercise Physiology! Yes!
Spent a wonderful weekend with the women in my life who have influenced me- shopping, eating and laughing in St. Louis! I drove 200 miles to visit my 2 best friends! I have learned to do things like that-even if we only get to have dinner together or coffee and talks before bed-the trip is worth it! Friends are important!Next, I finished my shopping and baking and spent Christmas Eve at Billy's side of the family-GREAT times! Family is important.  Went to a beautiful 11 pm church service with my parents and Megan's boyfriend's family-investing in future relationships is important!Christmas morning at home with my family- traditions are important! A small trip for fun with just Billy, me and the girls-fun is important! I feel so blessed! It was a great holiday season! But by New Years Eve-Billy and I were sick in bed with colds!
So here it is 2011. Wow, as I typed 2011- it seems like only yesterday I was typing 2001! The lesson in that is this -time flies by us.   Sometimes the words "Someday I'll do that"  turn into never.  I find myself asking these questions, At what age do you just give up on your dreams?  Day after day, year after year, time goes by.....we think about our dreams.....at what age do we just give up on them?  I say never......
I want to get in the best shape of my life by age 40.  I want to look and feel fabulous,  But even more than that, I just want to be at peace with myself and find depth in my relationships and life in general!
Tomorrow- it is on...
1. I am cleaning out my cabinets! bye bye holidays.
2. Increasing my cardiovascular exercise-hello treadmill
3. Diet on!
In truth we all slip into bad habits at different times in our lives.  But we do not have to stay there.  It begins now.  Like it or not 40 is knock knock knocking on my door.  I want to open that door and seize 40 like a superhero!