Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Defining Fabulous!

Okay, so at this stage of life I wont be finding myself posting daily.  Weekly is a smarter goal.  I don't know if you know this about me, but I am a full time college student.  This is my last semester of classes.  I will graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Helath Management-Exercise Science.  Yes, at age 36 I decided to pursue a science degree.  It is not for the timid or faint of heart, let me tell you.  I also work part time at the best place in the world.  I get to train people and teach group exercise! (I get paid to work out-top that) : )
I manage about 8-10 personal training clients (i love em all) and teach 3 choreographed exercise classes 4-5 times per week.  I always have choreography to review and/or memorize! (I must be Crazy) I am blessed to raise a couple teenagers!  Life is full and who could ask for more.  So, I have been asking myself for a good month, "How do I define 40 and fabulous?' 
     Well, when I walk in to classes and see my oldest daughters friends, I definitely don't feel fabulous.  If you are young and reading this, get a degree NOW when you are supposed to-trust me on this one, you have more energy.  When I see them wearing SENIORS 2010 shirts, I laugh out loud.  Can you  imagine if I walked in with my SENIORS 89 Tshirt.   Ha! So now I want you to close your eyes (figuratively) and picture this:  a tired, up late studying, just taught 2 group fitness classes, 30 something year old wife and mother of two loaded down with keys and cell phone in hand.  Backpack on my back, gym bag on my shoulder, shoe bag on my shoulder, sweaty laundry bag on my shoulder, tired, sweaty, hurrying from work to college, back to work , back to college, distracted about balancing the checkbook and what I will make for supper and laundry and on and on.  It doesnt feel pretty.  I realized sometime last year too, that I hadn't been looking very pretty either.   I realized this by accidentally looking in mirrors as I walked by struggling with my "stuff" I carry everyday.  (when I leave in the morning sometimes I feel like I am packing for a week) but I also realized this when I had to "intern" some hours for a class in my major at the gym I work at. I had a collegue rate me at the end of the semester.  I scored great in all areas.....but there was one category...appearance....I scored mid range in that one! hahaha, I laughed...I walk around in sweat clothes, sweaty and tired.  No wonder.  When you teach and train someitimes you don't have time for primping.  Some days you blow dry the sweat, put dry clothes on and GO!   This is my life, I chose it all!
   As I approach the big 40, I realize life is so much more than just how we "feel".  Don't let a little sweat and a lack of make-up stop your from feeling like the beautiful person that you are! As I define "40 and fabulous" self acceptance is a definite.  I am what I am. I can only "fix" so many things about myself.  I have to just accept some things and feel smoking hot anyway.  I think this is a realistic goal! Other definitions of F&F (40 & Fabulous) include deeper relationships with family and friends.  Relationships that include no red tape.  F&F= holding that college degree in my hand, living with arms wide open, dancing more, singing more, and having fun.  Why is it when we get 30 something we neglect to have as much fun.  We get lost in our lives and the fun goes.  F&F has to = more fun for me.  Finally, F&F=fit.  I strive to be fitter than ever in my 40's!  I am on my way!
   This week, I want you to practice 2 things:  self-acceptance and fun.  Change what you can, make better choices, improve what needs improving and honestly, accept some things.  Promise not to beat yourself up. NO NEGATIVE SELF TALK this week and hopefully that will blossom into a life long habit.  Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, but not too short to sweat! So go do that! Exercise and SWEAT like you never have, but also plan some fun.  I want you to laugh your head off and enjoy it.  Smile everyday, no matter what  Do it for me!
   I have 2 more stories to tell you.  One about the meniscus.  The other about all the time I spend in my car.  You will laugh, but I am saving them!


  1. Thought of the Day:
    Dare to Live! Close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself, what to I really want to accomplish today? Don't toil over it, just be honest with yourself....no self-inflicted guilt. Then, jump out of bed like a superhero and sieze the day.

    I am somewhat technology challenged, but I think I have figured out what some of you were asking me. If you want to comment on a post, I think you can click on the comments then add one. You may have to become a follower. But all that entails is using any email address you already have (my postings will be emailed to you) And create a password for this blog page. It's easy! (i think) if this doesn't work-let me know! We'll figure it out!
