Sunday, January 2, 2011


What a blessed holiday season!
I finished my finals, got through Chemistry and Exercise Physiology! Yes!
Spent a wonderful weekend with the women in my life who have influenced me- shopping, eating and laughing in St. Louis! I drove 200 miles to visit my 2 best friends! I have learned to do things like that-even if we only get to have dinner together or coffee and talks before bed-the trip is worth it! Friends are important!Next, I finished my shopping and baking and spent Christmas Eve at Billy's side of the family-GREAT times! Family is important.  Went to a beautiful 11 pm church service with my parents and Megan's boyfriend's family-investing in future relationships is important!Christmas morning at home with my family- traditions are important! A small trip for fun with just Billy, me and the girls-fun is important! I feel so blessed! It was a great holiday season! But by New Years Eve-Billy and I were sick in bed with colds!
So here it is 2011. Wow, as I typed 2011- it seems like only yesterday I was typing 2001! The lesson in that is this -time flies by us.   Sometimes the words "Someday I'll do that"  turn into never.  I find myself asking these questions, At what age do you just give up on your dreams?  Day after day, year after year, time goes by.....we think about our what age do we just give up on them?  I say never......
I want to get in the best shape of my life by age 40.  I want to look and feel fabulous,  But even more than that, I just want to be at peace with myself and find depth in my relationships and life in general!
Tomorrow- it is on...
1. I am cleaning out my cabinets! bye bye holidays.
2. Increasing my cardiovascular exercise-hello treadmill
3. Diet on!
In truth we all slip into bad habits at different times in our lives.  But we do not have to stay there.  It begins now.  Like it or not 40 is knock knock knocking on my door.  I want to open that door and seize 40 like a superhero!

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