Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Looks like I made it!

   So, I am well out of the semester and into the summer.  It has been several weeks (months) since I last blogged, but in all honesty, after the wrap up of my last semester in college I have not had the faintest desire to open book or has been GREAT!
  Reminiscing back, what a ride it has been!  In the previous few semester's I have been required to  wear my bathing suit to class to be weighed underwater...WITH and in front of 18-24 yrs olds (girls and guys), to "be prepared to take your shirts off in class to use the bodyfat callipers on one another, so wear a good sports bra", WITH and in front of 18-24 yr olds (guys and girls).... to take exercise tests WITH and in front of 18-24 yr olds (guys and girls), and as if all this wonderful information obtained by the tests isn't enough...let's just go ahead and put these figures on a scale and compare them to norms and see how you rank compared to the rest of the world, you 39 yr old college Mom!!!!  HUMILITY, HUMBLENESS....I have bathed in you during my college career.   My professor couldn't possibly understand why anyone would not want to participate in any of these activites.  (I wanted to say, why don't you show up in a SPEEDO and WE will take some measurements, but wait...that's not let's put those measurements on a scale and see where you rank compared to the rest of the world).  Seriously, who else has had 2 kids and nursed babies in get the picture.. Gone are those days Hallelujah!
     Now, I enter a new chapter in my oldest started her first job today (other than babysitting) and will soon begin her last year of high school.  My youngest will begin her first year of high school.  We are planning college visits, taking ACTs, and senior pictures....I see the writing on the wall.....My getting less full as each hour passes.   So who am I , if not a Mom of school age children?....A new chapter begins.....I just don't know if I am brave enough to face it yet. 
     I remember when Megan started kindergarten, they had a scavenger hunt on orientation night, and on the list were things like, go find your name over the coat rack, that is where you will hang your book bag every day, find the cubby with your name on it, and go the the entrance of the building and find your way to your classroom and seat 5 times. When the first day came, I pulled into the lot and started to park my car to get out and walk her in, and she looked at me with eyes of confidence and determination and said, "I can go in by myself"....Billy grabbed my arm before I could respond and said,  "Let her...."  Lesson number one in letting go....  After all, our children are really not ours, but His, easy to say, hard to grasp.  I still see that same look in her eyes as she looks for schools and opens bank accounts and on and on....This will be is one of the roads I will walk on while on the journey  to 40 and Fabulous.  I plan to learn to enjoy every minute.  Tough or not, I can't retreat into a cave, I will face it.  Bring it on.  
    On the bright side, I actually have time for me, since I am done with college classes.  I have kicked the "working" part of getting (and more importantly feeling) fabulous into high gear.  The workouts have been great.  I am trying new things and actually getting to DO the workouts I write....CRAZY! It feels so great!!  After the first few weeks of initial soreness and fatigue, I am starting to feel ENERGIZED. I have my family on board.  I am kicking their butts. :-) We will be a fit family in 2011.   Amazing the differece good exercise makes.   You get back what you give in exercise.  It is a lot like spirituality.  Exercise makes everything clearer for me.   It has carried me through stressful semesters.  It has been a friend when it seemed eveyone else walked out on me.  After a hard workout, everything seems "doable" and you have a little more perspective.   It shrinks the things we make huge in our minds.  AH, edorphins...Thank God for them.  Try it, today, ride the endorphin wave.  Take off out of your driveway and run like a child to the next landmark, and then everyday go a little further.  It is freeing.   

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