Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1!

     Okay- I confess! I am definitely one of those poeple who operate better by dipping my toe in the water before I cannonball, especially when it comes to making life changes that stick.  So this week I have began to stick my toe in the water.  In fact, I am about knee deep and ready to press further.  It is a great time of year for a personal trainer.  The gym is full of people. They are all so excited about new goals.  Every cardio machine is full, classes are full, a "rush" is in the air.  This is how we trainers and group ex junkies feel year round.  We are this excited about fitness goals year round. Aside from the looking for a parking spot, we wish it were this way year round.
     This week, I cleaned house! I got rid of all the leftover holiday caloric "extras"! To the trash can with all of you.  WOOHOOO! It was liberating.  To my regular daily exercise routine, I added more lifting and running! I am so sore, I have been on ibuprofen most of the week.  I let Billy and Megan experience my wrath! They were sore too.  I want this "deepening" of my fitness faith to be for the whole family! I don't believe in cooking separate meals.  It's definitely tough love but I feel that evey member of the family should eat healthy and exercise.  Trust me, you will not find any more picky eaters than the other 3 members of my family.  One is a self proclaimed semi-vegetarian, and 2 are extreme carnivores. I have learned to say tough! Food isn't always about pleasure and preference, it is medicine for your body.  You are what you eat.  Choose wisely.  If it didnt have a mama and it didn't come from the earth skip it! I made a trip to my fave place to grocery shop,  Trader Joes.  I do as much organic as the budget will allow, you can go crazy if your are not careful. I try to do all dairy, meat and thin skinned fruits and vegetables organically.  I am nutritionally armed for 40 and fabulous.  It's on!
     This week, I plan to blog daily about my extra exercise.  I am gonna try my technology challenged hat at linking pics and a video here.  I want to show you some things you can do also.  It is my last week to get organized and ready before the semester starts. (things will get hilarious then) I need to share my meniscus story. That will be a good one I will save for next week.  I am still contemplating exact goals, both long and short term.  Stay tuned! Tomorrow- Cardio and Bodypump in the a.m.!

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