Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby your a Firework!

I am beginning to see a faint light at the end of the tunnel.  I am so excited about it!  I bet when I finally get free time, I will feel guilty or bored or something.  4 weeks, then finals! I will be a 12 week internship away from my degree (angels singing) !  I still think of Vanda everyday.  I pray for her 16 year old daughter with a mother's heart.  Having teenage daughters myself, I cannot even imagine how she feels.  I want to be a part of her life and pray the doors will open.  I think alot about the things we fill our lives with.  I think about how if Vanda knew when my brother died that she only had 20 years, what would she have filled her life with and what would she have left out.....if we all knew, and we all do know that we won't live forever so why do we allow nonsense in our lives.  Nonsense is a waste of precious time.  This is a reminder to live your life on purpose.  If you do, you will navigate around the nonsense.  (As I say this, I am saying it to myself as well)  What if we all wrote out our own top 10 list?  The top 10 most important things in our life.   Not just what we want to accomplish but just what and who is important to us.  How many times have you dropped what or who was important to you for nonsense.  I am reminding us all not to do this anymore and don't feel guilty for it either.  We all get pulled in a million directions.  Chart your course wisely, with purpose. 
    In the past few months I have learned so many valuable life lessons.  Thinking back, my entire adult life has been one huge life lesson.  If I can help just one person, by exposing the cards that life has dealt me, then it is worth it.  Like my favorite

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