Monday, October 8, 2012


Let's get a head start on our fitness!

Here is how it works:

First, you buy sessions and we measure you and set goals! Next we will work hard through the month of  October, remeasure, set another 4 week goal and take Halloween weekend off! 
(YES, a freebie weekend-ENJOY)

Then we work through November, measure before Thanksgiving, set new goals, and take Thanksgiving weekend off!! (another FREEBIE) 

Finally, we will work through December, remeasure, reset goals, and take Christmas off!  

I will help you put the ' I CAN' into your workout.  You CAN do this, it is an investment in your health!

You can join this blog for tips, support, ideas and pics! 

I will also have a Bi-weekly group challenge for all who join the 12 week challenge.  



(that's 2 free hours of PT no matter which package you buy!)

You are buying more than sessions, you are buying support in your goal reaching! 

HERE'S  to fitness, TO A BOOST IN YOUR MOOD, to strength, to better health, to better BP, better lipid profile, to a better quality of living.  JOIN NOW,  SCHEDULE YOUR MEASUREMENTS!!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?

Monday, August 6, 2012


Here is a great article on races and training!



Thursday, August 2, 2012


Has summer got you feeling stagnate? With the relentless heat it happens easily. Guess where it's nice and cool?...........THE GYM! ;-)
Do not let your self regress in the summer heat. Make it a point to maintain your current weight and level of fitness, no matter how busy you get! You can do this! Bring your workout back to life. HOW, you ask? Try a new class, train (inside) for a new race or ride, or hire a trainer....(ME!) Create a playlist that gets you moving and head into the gym. Here are a few of my favorite "getting back on track" cardio songs. Music is a HUGE motivator for most of us.
1. Hold on tight- ELO
2. Lose yourself- Eminem
3. Transform ya- Chris Brown & Lil wayne
4. Bring me to Life- Evanescence
5. Survivor- Destiny's Child
Don't let summer throw you, BE A BOOMERANG. Come right back to fitness. Come right back to us at the gym! We need you, & we DO miss you when your absent!!!!!!!

Meet my friend and inspiration, Marsha. I literally watched Marsha shrink before my very eyes. She has lost 125 lbs! (GO MARSHA) She was faithful to Bodypump, RPM, Cardio and her diet. Check out her pics......

BE INSPIRED! Marsha has changed her life for the better. She is enrolled in college to begin her journey to becoming a registered dietician. When you commit to your goals, amazing doors that you never dreamed about open for you! 


Monday, June 18, 2012

What is in your fitness tool box?

P90X, Crossfit, LesMills, Insanity, Wiifit; to a fitness lover's excitement, there are many different avenues one can stroll down.  I frequently get asked about all of these.  The truth is there isn't just one single avenue that takes you to a fitter lifestyle.  Every one of these programs have there own pluses and minuses.  Remember this, fitness and more specifically exercise physiology is a HUGE spectrum.  We all want to put it in a small box.  We want to find the one program, fitness article, or thing that is "the answer". Truthfully, there isn't just one answer.  Remember this statement, get it in your head.  The exercise or exercise program simply does what it does, to whom it was designed for, in light of what their age, injuries, health, and goals are.  We must always weigh the risks versus benefits of an exercise before we do it. Before you do the latest exercise of the month in your fitness mag, ask yourself, why am I doing this? If the answer corresponds with your goals, and you are actually getting muscle contraction in the intended area without straining something else then by all means, proceed.  Being more specific, the exercise benefits must be greater than the risks.   What am I talking about? Here is an example using one of the best exercises in the world:  Squats.  A squat is a squat, right?  Well, to the 20 yr old college athlete a squat is different than the 25 yr old fit person and different for the 32 yr old overweight client, and the 45 yr old half marathoner with SI joint issues.  The 20 yr old college athlete is training for performance, his range of motion, as well as weight selection will be different on his healthy young back and knees! The 25 yr old is going to get way more bang for his or her buck (less effort/more results), because let's face it you can't compete with youth.  The 32 yr old overweight client is going to have to dip their toe in before they cannonball when squatting, and the 45 yr old with SI Joint issues, well they had better not try to train like the 20 yr old athlete. The aftermath will not be good.   Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! 
     Lose the "I've found it" mentality: I have found the one thing that will work for me forever and ever 
AMEN!  Refer back to my earlier statement.  Exercise is a HUGE spectrum.  Your body is always aging and ever changing.  You may have found "it" for the time being but to keep getting results and keep from boredom, you have to keep learning and trying new things.  Keep changing it up!  Go back to your tool box, fill it with new things and get something else out.  It is not always good to do the same thing over and over.  Hello, overuse injury. If you do what you are doing, you will get what you already have.  Switching it up is a good thing for your muscles, your heart, your VO2, and your mind! Get a bigger tool box   Pull from all of it! Try something new, train for something new or hire a personal trainer! 
In good health, 
Trainer girl 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


      OK, so we are 22 days into our fitness goals for 2012.....How is it going?  Even if you are an avid fitness fanatic, set a new goal!  HERE IS THE TRUTH, IT TAKES AT LEAST 4 WEEKS FOR YOU TO NOTICE THE POSITIVE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE,  in 8 weeks your friends will begin to notice, in 12 weeks the changes will be visible for the whole world to see.  GIVE it 12 WEEKS, AND DON'T QUIT.   Wherever you are in this journey refuse to give up!!! I believe in fitness for life, anyone can make positive changes no matter what stage or phase of life you are in.  I will be listing ideas, tips and encouragement weekly on this blog.  I want to see you attain and MAINTAIN your personal best.  I write plans for every age, and recently my 69 and 72 year old parents asked me what they could do as far as exercise goes.  They have bad backs, arthritis and so on.  Here is what I suggested to start, watch this video: 

     We were actually shopping when we shot this video.   I will keep you updated on their fitness journey.  I told them to start with something they enjoy and increase the duration every day by a minute.  Dancing is good for body and mind.   Choose something you enjoy to get you started.   Make it fun!!

FOOD TIP:  Dr. Oz is always telling us to eat our steel cut oats every day.  I love Dr. Oz and his advice is some of the best, but I also realize that average Americans do not have the resources and/or time to follow ALL of his advice.  But here is a way to follow this one....the crock pot.   Put your steel cuts in the crock pot the night before and they will be good to go in the morning! At my house, mornings are crazy, teenage girls, lunches, backpacks, and me rushing out the door with programs and choreography.  BREAKFAST IS SOOOO IMPORTANT....TRY THIS ONE...tell me what you think...

EXERCISE RX:  NO TIME FOR THE GYM, get out your imaginary jump rope, do some push ups, body weighted squats and lunges or dance it out!  No excuses, get moving! 



Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ah, so it is that time of year again.  Back to school.  New beginnings, and for me, the start of my internship.  It has been quite a while since I worked a 40 hour work week! So ready or not, here I go.  I cannot believe how the summer flew by!  So,  have counted them down I have 14 weeks until 40.  Making significant changes in your life is so much harder to put into action than to write about.  I am in the final hour.  It is time to sprint.  The summer has been great and I have been blessed  to pack so much in! So we will see what I am made of.  So far, this I have learned, making improvements in diet and exercise as well as striving for fabulous in all ways is an ongoing process.  It would be great if it just clicked, and it all happened at once, but it doesn't work like that.  You get back what you put in, and it is alot like spirituality.  You go through seasons.  Ups.  Downs.  Busy times with family.  I am learning that there is so much nobleness in climbing back on the horse after a season of reprieve.   It is in that climbing back on the horse and recommitting the energy you have left back to your goals that counts most.  This is what gives you a better feeling of self acceptance.   I have lunged, squatted, rode like I stole it, ran, benched, pushed up, dipped,  and lunged and squatted again.   Whether or not my body has changed remains to be seen, but i know for sure my self confidence and acceptance definitely has.  Bugs bunny said it best when he said, I am what I am!  
     I had a great summer, and I hope that you did too.   With that said, it is time to kick it in to high gear.   I am inviting you to come with me.   Write down a new, revised action plan.  I have done so.  Taylor yours to what works for you.   Start with your cardio, kick it up a gear.  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.

A little something extra...

I wrote this and posted this to Facebook because I have alot of my daughter's friends on there....I feel that every life story is worth learning from so by all means if there is a teenager in your life share my story with them.  It may cause them to think and  may save their life.
To the class of 2012

Read my story….keep it with you.  First, I can’t believe you guys are seniors….every parent that reads this can recall 12 years ago when we were putting you in kindergarten.  To us, it feels like yesterday.  As you enter your SENIOR year, (hellyea) I want you to think about something……. your safety.  I thought that maybe my story would help you.  When I was 19 years old, my brother was killed in a car accident…..drinking and driving….Let it be said that my brother was the coolest guy, he was a friend to everyone. I have trusted my life in his hands many times.   But one night, he made one bad call and it cost him his life.  Now you are thinking-oh that’s awful, sad.  But I want to tell you the side of the story that no one ever gets to hear.  At 1 a.m. the phone rang, it was my bro’s best friend.  He had a sick voice, but I was 19 and half asleep so I thought nothing of it.  He asked me to get up and go to my brother’s room to see if he was in bed.  I did, NOPE, his bed was still made.   I can still hear his sad voice saying…ok…Lori…thanks….(he had already heard about the accident and hoped it wasn’t true).  I went back to bed.   At 5 a.m. I heard the loud thumps on the back door.   To this day I fight hearing them at night when it is quiet.  At times I feel them as if someone is thumping on my chest.   It was the coroner and 2 police officers.   I met my mom at the door.  Pulled back the curtain, and there I felt it for the first time, the sick gut of tragedy.  I backed away bc my gut told me what was happening.  YOUR GUT NEVER LIES.  My mom, confused, said, LORI answer the door.  I did.  They handed me a clear plastic bag with all my brother’s belongings in it.  They said to my mom, “Maam there has been an accident.”  My mom instinctively said, “Is Jeff ok?”, and the man said, “I am sorry maam, it was a fatal accident.”  I can still here my mom’s scream, and my heart races as I even type this story.  My Dad came out and said, “What do we do?” and the man said call your funeral director, I remember my dad saying, “We don’t have a funeral director.”  There it happened, our family’s life changed forever.  You cannot even begin to imagine the sobs of my parents.  Try to picture your parents.  It does something to you to see your parents like that.  My brother would have never wanted to hurt them like that.  Hours later, I went into his bedroom.  The wet towel lay in his floor from his last shower.  But he was gone.  He had already slipped into eternity.  His dirty clothes were still in the hamper.  But he would never wear them again.  GONE.  All because of one choice.  Did you know that someone has to pick out your casket, and the clothes for you to wear in it?  It was HELL delivering his outfit and doing all the business that has to be done to finish a life that ended too soon.
   So I am asking you to think.  I am asking you not to drink and drive.  I am asking you not to get in the car with anyone that has had anything to drink (or anything else).  I would love to believe that you are all angels and do no wrong.  But I am not nearly that naïve, and it wouldn’t be smart to be.  Every time you go partying, think of my story. Call someone to pick you up, or STAY WHERE YOU ARE.  It would be better to piss your parents off, than to put them through what mine went through.   Don’t get me wrong, this is not an endorsement for partying.  It is simply me saying in my best Red Foreman voice, that if you are gonna party, get your head out of your asses and have a plan in place.
     And remember, you guys can’t get by with crap from the law nowadays. You can ruin your future and not to mention your money making potential with a felony.  My generation rode four wheelers, (ok-3wheelers too) on the streets…We outran cops, we fought, we vandalized, we broke curfew and we got by with it.  You guys aren’t nearly as lucky. You will end up in juvy or jail or both and with a criminal record.  If you so much as moon someone, you will be a registered sex offender and no one will hire you.  I am so sorry that lines have gotten this skewed, but they have. REMEMBER IT. It sucks, but it is forreal. Don’t be thinking we had it TOO great, you guys have cell phones, texting and internet-we didn’t.   DON’T RUIN YOUR FUTURE.   AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE MAKING SAFE DECISIONS SO THAT YOU HAVE ONE.