We were actually shopping when we shot this video. I will keep you updated on their fitness journey. I told them to start with something they enjoy and increase the duration every day by a minute. Dancing is good for body and mind. Choose something you enjoy to get you started. Make it fun!!
FOOD TIP: Dr. Oz is always telling us to eat our steel cut oats every day. I love Dr. Oz and his advice is some of the best, but I also realize that average Americans do not have the resources and/or time to follow ALL of his advice. But here is a way to follow this one....the crock pot. Put your steel cuts in the crock pot the night before and they will be good to go in the morning! At my house, mornings are crazy, teenage girls, lunches, backpacks, and me rushing out the door with programs and choreography. BREAKFAST IS SOOOO IMPORTANT....TRY THIS ONE...tell me what you think...
EXERCISE RX: NO TIME FOR THE GYM, get out your imaginary jump rope, do some push ups, body weighted squats and lunges or dance it out! No excuses, get moving!