Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Ok...so I went to bed last night fully prepared to jump out of bed like a superhero and seize the day...I just didn't know the day would begin at 1:30 am..I woke up to what I thought was the sounds of my children....but as I went to check, it was actually the cry of something on my front porch.....a very small something...a furry something..I recruited the help of my big, strong, crabby at 1:30 A.M. husband...turns out it was a VERY small dog, some kind of chihauhua...FREEZING IN THE 10 DEGREE WEATHER!!!!It had cried so long it was almost hoarse.....we opened the door and it ran in the house...when we reached for it the 5 lb monstrosity bore its teeth at us...so picture this.. me in my husbands long sleeve Illini Tshirt, him in his boxers, chasing a stray 5 lb chihauhau around our house in the middle of the night!!!!!!!!We caught it...put it in  an old kennel and went back to bed...I chuckled at the thought of the sight of all this...and so all was well for about an hour or so....at around 3:30 it began to cry and scream uncontrollably loud, my husband in the 10 degree weather and in his boxers took it outside again...it ran to the front porch again, crying, howling and what not.....It was a LONG night!  So my "big" RUN did not turn out to be all that I had planned, I was tired! (everybody shout 39) On a brighter note...the birthday cake police came to my house today and threw away the remaining birthday cake....and my husband walked in with 4 pans of home made fudge from his mom!
Setting goals at Christmas time!  YAY!
SO TODAY I HAVE LEARNED:  Things do not always go as planned, but our goals do not change (I still want to be 40 and fabulous)!!We just have to keep pushing...and as far as the fudge goes...I am gonna try something new and crazy......MODERATION!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Beginning of my fabulous Journey!

Happy Monday,
     This is my first time doing a blog.  I have never read a blog, written a blog or even seen a blog that I am aware of.  The only thing I know about blogs is that Ugly Betty did one. A little bit about me:  I am a wife, mom, personal trainer, group exercise instructor (only Les Mills) and a full time college student.  If all goes as planned , in May 2011, at age uh hm...39 I will graduate with my bachelors degree in Health Management/Exercise science.  My 39th birthday was last week, so like it or not I am already on my 1 year journey to the big 4 0! I choose to like it, in fact I am gonna freakin LOVE it and set huge goals for myself.  This is the space that I will keep track of my progress and learn and laugh along the way. 
     Today is a hard day for me, a dear friend, someone who was a HUGE part of my childhood is fighting  for her life with cancer.  This breaks my heart, she is the greatest of people.  It also makes something crystal clear.  One of my goals will be to raise money for Livestrong and ride a 90 mile bike ride.  I can do it, all I have to do is train for it. 
     At different times in my own life, I have found myself stuck in a place I didn't really even want to be.  Physically, emotionally just stuck.  Also, I am a bit of a people watcher, and everywhere I go I see people's faces which mostly look so unhappy. I suppose that they are stuck too, not living life out to its fullest.  I want to live life to its fullest and not waste a single minute.  So what is the first step, remind yourself of all the things you want to do in your life.  If you don't remind yourself of all the things you want to do in your life, you will forget you want to do them.  And then years will pass by, with none of it done. So right now WRITE it down!  
     This week I will begin to make my list.  Writing down specific goals, that I am sure will evolve over the next few weeks.  How do I define 40 and fabulous?  I'm gonna have to think on that one!